43352 Burke Dale St
South Riding, VA 20152
United States
Our core services are furnishing, facility and shade design and sales related to those activities. We make every attempt to introduce new items and alternative furnishing and shade solutions that invite an exciting and improved condition to a facility. We emphasize that every facility has unique needs, that you don’t just replace what’s broken, you take a step back and look at the big picture. We consider the dynamics and activities demanded of the facility, then we anchor the facility with a mix of seating, shade and site furnishings, and we do all of this with your budget in mind.
We make extensive use of digital photography and PDF document exchange to provide prompt and visually impressive proposals and reports that can be easily shared among decision makers. We work directly with HOAs and their committees, Community Management firms, Property Managers, Private Country Club Managers, Developers and Builders.
If you have worked with us in the past, thank you for your patronage. For those who have not, we look forward to the opportunity to work with you in the near future.
Products and services we provide:
Deck Furniture: We provide a wide selection from Chaise Lounges to Sand chairs. We have virtually any combination of vinyl strapping, fabric and frame finish to meet your color scheme needs.
Shade: There is a much stronger emphasis today on the importance of providing patrons with additional shading from the damaging rays of the sun. We provide your community with the proper shading from table umbrellas to large custom awnings.
Site Furnishings: We have site furnishings to compliment any facility including benches, picnic tables, small grills and bike racks.
Plan Schematics: Let us customize your facility. We create an exact representation of the facility and populate the schematic with scaled furnishings consistent to your needs.
Swim Team: Customize your team area with Logo printed on tents and canopies, clerk of course benches and Team Equipment.
Products/Services: | Furniture Outdoor/Patio Furniture Pool Services Recreational/Playground Equipment |
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